n 本设备适用于不同等级公路施工作业。
n 模块化的设计,大大提高了安装周期,降低了安装成本。
n 使用工业自动化控制系统,确保生产数据和险制信号的安全可靠。
n 直线式振动筛提高了石料的过网案,筛尽率达到99.8%,可满足各等级公路的技术要求。
n 石料、沥青、矿粉的计量采用先进的计量控制单元控制,确保计量的。
n 使用高耐磨合金件,大大提高了搅拌缸的整体使用寿命。
n 使用更先进的布袋式降尘系统,保证设备在低排放状态运行。
n 根据客户要求,整套设备可全封闭安装,确保大气环境影响降到更低。
n 物料加温主燃烧器配用进口全自动控制单元,随物料出料温度的变化而自动调节燃绕数据,确保出料温度控制在±5℃
n This device s suitable for different levels of highway construction operations.
n Modular design,which greatly improves the installation cycle,reducing instalation costs.
n Use of industrial automation and control systems to ensure safe and reliable production data and
n controls1gnals.
n Improved linear shaker stone over the net rate,the rate reached 99.8%,the best screen,which can meet the technical requirements of each grade highway.
n Stone asphalt measured,slag using advanced metering control unit controls to ensure accurate measurement.
n High wear-resistant alloy parts,greatly improving the overall service life of the mixingcylinder.
n Use the most advanced bag-tyoe dust systen to ensure that the device is ruming in low-anission state.
n According to customer requirements, that the entire device can be fully enclosed installation,ensureI thatthe envioronmental impact of air to a minimum.
n Material heating main burner equipped with imported automatic control unit,with the material discharge temperature changes and automatically adjust the combustion data,to ensure that the material temperature was controlled at±5℃
Shanxi Yuci Road Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.